Behavioral Economics

The intersection of psychology and economics, behavioral economics looks at human tendencies that involve biology and culture when predicting and explaining economic decision-making.

When Your Ability to Pay Determines Your Punishment

In Finland, for some traffic violations, the rich have higher fines than those with less because of day fines that are similar to progressive taxation.

What Tweets Can Say About the Dow

Researchers are exploring how message volume and sentiment analysis in social media like Twitter and Yahoo can be used to predict financial markets.

The Government Websites We Most Like (or Hate) to Visit

Website traffic can tell us the information we need from government and some clues about the federal budget.

The Unexpected Impact of Reusable Grocery Bags

Knowing that reusable grocery bags shifts consumer spending to more indulgent purchases, supermarkets can respond with new prices and product placement.

What Gorgeous Money Looks Like

Although paper currency is just one part of a money supply, a special design like Norway’s new kroner notes conveys an inspirational message.

The Dangerous Side of Economics

Because he revised his country’s inaccurate deficit and received Eurostat approval, Greece’s chief statistician might be prosecuted for “breach of faith.”

How Temptation Bundling Can Help You Exercise More

Because cost and benefit analysis shows that temptation bundling for gym attendance encourages healthier behaviors, the approach can be used elsewhere.

Six Ways to Make Government Better

One of many examples in Peter Schuck’s new book, the Social Security program shows how government can be successful and also why it “fails so often.”

Tradeoffs and Marriage: Like a Horse and Carriage

As the pill, education and employment opportunities changed the value of women as wives, the tradeoffs that relate to being married have also changed.

The Vaccine Benefits That No One Talks About

With better school attendance and learning, and then higher work productivity, the positive externalities of childhood vaccination have an economic impact.