monetary policy

January 20, 2020

Why Venezuelans Might Launder (In a Washing Machine) Their Dollars

The U.S. dollar is a handy backup when a country’s currency loses its value. After Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation hit its peak (or its nadir) in 2009, they […]

April 28, 2019

Why Your Inflation Rate is Different From Mine

Although the BLS reports the CPI (Consumer Price Index) inflation rate each month, our own household could see different price changes.

August 21, 2018

Why It’s Tough to Catch Venezuela’s Runaway Hyperinflation

Calming the everyday monetary chaos created by Venezuela's hyperinflation is about much more than lopping zeros off its currency.

May 30, 2018

How Certain Central Bankers Became More Friendly

When you look at Norway's new banknotes and their (hilarious) video describing the journey of a cod from the sea to a wallet, you can see that central bankers have become more interesting.