The Shift in Recycling That No One Knew About

As a seemingly virtuous activity with a hidden downside, the impact of recycling is not what many of us expect.

Why We Should Care About Curbside Cardboard Crime

The recycling revenue that municipalities were receiving was shrinking and now, with some mystery surrounding cardboard, it’s getting worse.

When Communal Mugs Are Like Gym Memberships

When companies replace single use cups with mugs and glasses, the employee response has been somewhat like our use of gym memberships.

The City That Has to Keep Its Garbage

Located in the middle of Alaska’s subarctic tundra, Bethel, Alaska has garbage problems because there is no easy way to ship its waste.

Why the U.K. Wants a Latte Levy

Because the polyethylene in coffee cups prevents proper recycling, the British parliament is considering a latte levy to solve the problem.

The Cost of Garbage

With landfills, recycling and composting the alternatives, garbage incineration that generates electricity has become increasingly popular.

Why Doing Good is Not Always Easy

By recognizing the tradeoffs of recycling, preserving endangered species and improving world health, doing good could become more productive.

Why Recycling is More Expensive

Because recycling is a broad social norm, we do not differentiate between good and bad recycling and, as a result, have a higher cost.

The Scrap Business is Underrated

Our Wednesday Environment Focus By Madeleine Vance, guest blogger and student at Kent Place School The “scrap” business is a lot more than just scrap. Once you drop your empty soda can into the recycling bin, it could even be…