When (Unintentionally) Alexa Boosts Music Revenue

After looking at the unintended consequences of New Jersey’s plastic bag ban, we can add to our list of surprises. This time, Alexa has the story. When Song Titles Matter Our story starts with a mom admitting that poop is…

How the Pandemic Affected the Birth Rate

Researchers are concerned that the pandemic birth rate could have further pulled down our sinking population Replacement Rate.

How Covid Changed World Energy Consumption

Ranging from oil to wind and solar, the supply and demand sides of world energy consumption responded to Covid-19 with some surprises.

Why Recent Stock Market Fluctuations Are Tough To Explain

Looking at a Covid-19 time table, economic fundamentals, and economic uncertainty, we can try to explain recent stock market fluctuations.

Comparing Covid-19 to Past Costly Disasters

Looking at the economic impact of past costly disasters can help us develop policies that target where and how Covid-19 will affect us.

How Covid-19 Affects the Cost of Living

Because a Covid-19 basket of goods and services has a different inflation rate from the CPI basket, the cost of living might not be what we think it is.