February 2020 Friday’s e-links: Three Great Podcasts and Animated Economics

For February 2020’s Friday e-links, my favorites were podcasts about Long Haul Paul, free tuition, medical procedure prices, and some animated economics.

February 2020 Friday’s e-links: Two Great Podcasts and Some Animated History

Thus far our February 2020 e-links take us to podcasts on free college tuition and medical procedure prices and a riveting economic history animation.

February 2020 Friday’s e-links: A Free Tuition Story and Animated Economics

Thus far, our February 2020 e-links take us to a free college tuition podcast and to a riveting economic animated history.

Why Free Tuition Is Like An Onion

When Kalamazoo, Michigan made college more accessible to high school graduates through a free tuition program, they were surprised by some of the results.