How Skateboarding Took Us Closer to Gender Equity

While female skateboarders had some success with the gender pay gap, it remains for average players and at the top in other sports.

Where We Will Add Some Sanity to March Madness

Because a viral video circulated during this year’s March Madness, NCAA women’s basketball will be treated more equitably in the future.

Signs of Gender Equity

With signs that increase gender equality in public spaces, a female presence can be explicitly recognized and affect infrastructure design and jobs.

What the Corporate Ladder Says About Gender Equity

In addition to the glass ceiling, recent research indicates we should focus on the gender equity that diminishes at the first rung of the corporate ladder.

June 2019 Friday’s e-links: From the Jamestown Colony to Working Mothers and Commencement Speeches

Friday’s e-links: Because of a new podcast on the 1607 Jamestown settlement, I truly understood how poor leadership can be catastrophic.

Gender Equity for Saudi Women at Starbucks and Beyond

While today is the first day that Saudi women can drive legally, they still experience gender inequity at Starbucks and beyond.

Why We Need Female Monuments

In New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., public spaces under-represent women’s past leadership through too few female monuments.

California's Proposition 8 Was Also About Economics

Our (occasional) Monday gender issue focus: Yesterday, at the Nantucket Film Festival, I watched the HBO documentary, The Case Against 8. Documenting the court battle against California’s Proposition 8, the film introduced me to a memorable group of people that included 2 same-sex couples who wanted…

Do we spend more on Mother's Day or Father's Day?

Our Monday gender issue: While approximately 85% of us celebrate Mother’s Day, for Father’s Day, maybe 78%. Then, the numbers diminish after we reach 44 years old. And, by the time we are 65, there are only 60% (or so) of us that participate…

Should Gender Equity Include Diaper Changing Tables?

Women are used to seeing fold-out diaper changing tables in restrooms. A baby care convenience, they are not required by any law. Now though, California is deciding whether infants’ changing tables should be mandated. One proposal requires diapering stations in…