The Chips We Love and Hate

As supply chain problems continue, we will see fewer chips from Doritos and also from the auto manufacturers that need chips for car options.

January 2021 Friday’s e-links: From Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to a Rapper’s Janet Yellen

Last updated 1/29/21 Every once in a while, (and sometimes each day) I listen to a great podcast, enjoy an article, or see a good video that I want to share with you. I like to think of them as…

January 2021 Friday’s e-links: From Burgernomics to Cheetos

Last updated 1/22/21 Every once in a while, (and sometimes each day) I listen to a great podcast, enjoy an article, or see a good video that I want to share with you. I like to think of them as…

January 2021 Friday’s e-links: From Cheetos, to an Earthquake, to a FactTank

Last updated 1/15/21 Every once in a while, (and sometimes each day) I listen to a great podcast, enjoy an article, or see a good video that I want to share with you. I like to think of them as…

January 2021 Friday’s e-links: From Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to An Alaskan Earthquake

In our first two January e-links, I recommend a good read about Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and a podcast on a newscaster and an earthquake.

January 2021 Friday’s e-links: The Story of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos

First among our January e-links, this feel good Flamin’ Hot Cheetos story is about a janitor, a CEO, and the American Dream.