March 2023 Friday’s e-links: Understanding the Silicon Valley Bank Run

Continuing with our March e-links, this week we recommend a Goldman Sachs podcast discussion about banking that is superbly enlightening.

Celebrating the Economic Independence That Alexander Hamilton Created

Relevant today, the timeless ideas in Alexander Hamilton’s development plan are about a sovereign debt, banking, and economic growth.

Where Phones Pump Money

Kenya’s economic development has been fueled by a mobile banking system that makes it easy to save, send and spend money with a cell phone.

What To Do When Greek ATMs Run Dry

Temporarily closing Greek banks means the loss of financial intermediaries that pump money around the economy for individuals, businesses and government.

The Reversed Role of Chinese Deposit Insurance

While many nations have deposit Insurance and China will have theirs very soon, the quality and the confidence in different deposit insurance schemes vary.

Weekly Roundup: 6 Mysteries

Our everyday economic stories involve participation rates, human capital, signaling, ROI, money, price, austerity, personal income, monopoly and bubbles.