What Our Chairs Say About Us

We are talking about chair economics when we look back and then across cultures at the impact of how we sit.

What Air Jordan Says About Capitalism

There is no need for a spoiler alert because we all know how Air ends. But there is so much more. Air Jordan Capitalism Today, our story starts with an Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love author) New Yorker magazine interview.…

The Problem With Marijuana Markets

The statewide constraints of U.S. marijuana markets create problems can be diminished by nationwide supply and demand.

September 2021 Friday’s e-links: The Power of the Market

Our September 2021 e-links begin with insight on the power of the market from Duke Professor Michael Munger and Econtalk host Russ Roberts.

How to Create a New City

Through a new city, investors are creating an economic development zone in Honduras that depends on libertarian ideas and technology.

Deciding What to Deposit In a Food Bank

Using command and the market as examples, economists showed food pantries how distributing food could become more efficient.

All You Could Want To Know About N95 Mask Economics

To understand N95 supply shortages we can look at how N95s are made, at N95 exports, and at economic systems.

How Algorithms Change Gasoline Prices

Looking at gasoline prices that are controlled by algorithms, we could be surprised by how they affect competition.

Astronomically Different Prices for an Apollo 11 Videotape

Sold twice at auctions, the two prices of the Apollo 11 videotapes were astronomically different because of changes in demand and supply.

The Pizza War That Pepperoni Started

The chef that left New York’s Prince Street Pizza to start his own restaurant could find himself fighting a pizza war because of his pepperoni recipe.