Why Cigarette Ads Affect the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

The free trade pact that Congress is debating, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, has an ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) clause that’s controversial.

The Deal That a Chinese Firm Could Not Refuse

Displaying a shift in comparative advantage, some Chinese textile manufacturers are locating their factories the the U.S. rather than China.

How the Trans-Pacific Partnership is About New Balance and Nike

Looking at tires, fashion and NAFTA, we can see the lost jobs opposition to free trade and the pro free trade response.

What the Big Mac Says About the Trans-Pacific Partnership

While opponents of the TPP free trade deal cite currency manipulation, cheaper exports from countries with cheaper currencies save money for U.S. buyers.

Three Charts That Explain the TPP Free Trade Deal

Although pacts like the TPP are politically controversial, economists have supported free trade since David Ricardo explained comparative advantage,