price ceilings

March 12, 2019

How Venezuela Caught an Incurable Case of Dutch Disease

From the very beginning in 1922, Venezuela's oil industry fueled governmental decisions that created an incurable case of Dutch disease.

April 11, 2018

Does Rent Control Really Control Rent?

When cities like San Francisco pass rent control legislation to create affordable housing, they could wind up with unintended consequences.

September 30, 2014

A Solution for Too Few Doctors: More Patience

Decreases in supply, increases in demand and legislative price ceilings are resulting in "network adequacy" problems for U.S. healthcare systems.

March 11, 2014

Venezuela Has Cheap Gas But No Cars

At the official exchange rate, Venezuelans pay 5 cents a gallon for premium gasoline while the real price is closer to one half penny a gallon. The […]