
February 5, 2019

How Boats and Cake Are Like Taxes

Whether deciding how to divide boats in Santa Barbara harbor, a cake, or tax revenue, fair distribution requires knowing what different people say is fair.

September 12, 2017

What Technology Entrepreneurs Want From Government

With Silicon Valley being called a massive ATM, researchers looked at the opinions of elite technology entrepreneurs to see their political influence.

March 7, 2015

Weekly Roundup: From Fed Humor to the Wisdom of Warren Buffett

Our Posts Roundup Sunday 3.01.15 Handy notes from Warren Buffett…more Monday 3.02.15 The basics of Greek tax evasion…more Tuesday 3.03.15 Insight about airline queues...more Wednesday 3.04.15 […]

July 19, 2014

Our Weekly Roundup: From Traffic Lights to Sneakers, Everyday Economics Explained by 5 Great Economists

Our Econlife roundup for the week 7.14.14 An island without traffic lights displays the benefits of Adam Smith’s laissez-faire…more   7.15.14 Why David Ricardo would approve of where your […]

July 17, 2014

John Stuart Mill on Affordable Health Care

A child prodigy, 19th century economist John Stuart Mill said in his Autobiography that, “I have no remembrance of the time when I began Greek; I […]

November 24, 2011

A Plymouth Plantation Reprise

Perhaps even more relevant today, this was our blog for last Thanksgiving: In 1623, two years after the first Thanksgiving, Governor William Bradford was worried about […]