Comparing Eggs to Bananas

By dividing the CPI into goods and services that can and cannot be traded, we can see the impact of trade on price changes.

What You Don’t See When You Watch a Baseball Game

Those vendors that sell us hot dogs, peanuts, and Coke at a ball game are thinking about a lot more than the food and the score.

The Impact of a Bee Sting on Your Big Mac

The market’s message from bee pollination prices has minimized the impact of colony collapse disorder (CCD) on our Big Mac.

The Economic Side of Competitive Eating

Known as the super bowl of competitive eating, the July Fourth Nathan’s Famous hot dog contest is a business for the top eaters.

Solving McDonald’s Soggy French Fries Problem

McDonald’s current delivery problem with soggy French fries is somewhat similar to what it had to solve more than forty years ago.

Gender Equity for Saudi Women at Starbucks and Beyond

While today is the first day that Saudi women can drive legally, they still experience gender inequity at Starbucks and beyond.

How Starbucks Coffee Bean Husks Are Like Perdue Chicken Paws

When previously worthless byproducts like coffee bean husks, chicken paws, and hog snouts became popular, we increased our economic efficiency.

The FDA’s Label Problem

When their requirements are outdated or illogical, FDA guidelines can create misleading labels for foods like eggs and skim milk.

Who Will Care About the Starbucks Price Hike?

When coffee drinkers hear that some prices at Starbucks will rise, their response will depend how how elastic their demand is.

When Choosing a Salad Is Like Buying a Car

Recent research explains why and when we experience choice fatigue after seeing the alternatives at a salad bar or options at an auto dealer.