When a Tax Rate Is Not as Simple as It Sounds

Referring to “The Son of Man,” Belgian surrealist artist René Magritte said, “Everything we see hides another thing.” Instead, Magritte could have been describing corporate taxes. The U.S. Corporate Tax Cut National The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA)…

Six More Facts We Need To Know About Social Security

Although Social Security solvency has not been in the headlines, it remains a massive challenge that we need to understand.

(Almost) All You Need To Know About Quotas

From sleeveless jackets to begging brides and young sports teams with no uniforms, the complexities of quotas can produce a slew of unpredictable results.

How a Ketchup Tariff Spreads

Seemingly small at 10%, Canada’s retaliatory ketchup tariff represents a lot more than a lift for a bland burger and salty fries.

Where Retaliatory Tariffs Create Unintended Consequences

It will be rather complicated when retaliatory agricultural tariffs, aluminum protection, and crop payment supports all hit New Madrid County, Missouri.

Why We Need a New Life Cycle Stage Called the “Young-Old”

Because the ageing population of people who are 65 and older has become more healthy and active, we need to recognize a “young-old” group.

What the Supreme Court Might Cost Us

The Supreme Court decision on South Dakota’s internet taxes will affect local and online businesses, consumers, and state budgets.

A Trade Story With a Happy Ending

Looking at airplane manufacturing through Bombardier’s new billion dollar order from Delta, we can see why a multinational supply chain can lower tariffs.

Six Facts We Need To Know About Medicare

Soon to be swamped by the baby boomers, Medicare’s finances are summarized in this year’s report from the trustees that oversee the program’s funding.

Why We Should Apologize to the IRS

Including more people saying, “Where’s my refund?” the number of IRS problems has been increasing while its budget has been shrinking.