The Pandemic’s Pepperoni Problem

In addition to Dr. Pepper and toilet paper, we now can place pepperoni shortages on a list of the products that have been hit by the pandemic.

What an Oil Boom and Bust Do to a Town

Sometimes like a roller coaster, the change in prices that cause an oil boom and bust can transform drilling towns and cities.

The Mystery of the Artless Heist

When the ownership rights of a $3.1 million John Constable painting are unclear, no one can buy or sell, display, or conserve it.

When Pandemic Electricity Demand Is Like the Big Flush

Although pandemic lockdowns have reduced electricity demand, still, like the “big flush” after the Super Bowl, they need to retain peak capacity.

How the 2020 Pandemic Is Like the 1930s Depression

Because of state mandated lockdowns, dairy farmers are responding to less demand from restaurants, schools, and hotels by dumping milk.

Why There Really Is a Toilet Paper Shortage

It’s easy to assume that the toilet paper shortage in the U.S. is caused by panic buying and hoarding but there really might be a supply problem.

Where We’ve Been Scrambling For Eggs

Whereas toilet paper shortages have been in the news, the headlines could also have included surging egg demand, especially in Israel.

What Will Happen to Restaurant Food?

As business closings multiply, redeploying food from restaurants to supermarket consumers has required changes along the supply chain.

The Pricey Purse That Created a Problem

When Hermes combined very high prices with limited availability for its Birkin bags, it not only generated conspicuous consumption but also a problem.

Where Fashion Is Suffering From the Coronavirus

Through its fashion weeks, its factories, and its stores, the fashion industry is suffering from the impact of the coronavirus.