A Bitcoin Story With The Right Incentives and the Wrong Results

Trying to encourage bitcoin use, El Salvador had all the right incentives but still wound up with unintended consequences.

Why Zimbabwe Laundered Money

With a renewed need to launder tattered U.S.dollar bills, we have the return of Zimbabwe inflation and their problematic monetary policy.

Where September 7th Is Bitcoin Day

By adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, El Salvador will be the first nation to say that the cryptocurrency is a national currency.

Where Money Is Not What We Expect It To Be

Asked about the meaning of money, we might be surprised to see a circular chunk of limestone compared to a U.S. dollar bill.

When It’s Legal to Launder Our Money

Worried about contaminated currency, monetary officials have quarantined cash and limited its circulation during epidemics.

The Human Side of Money

Economic anthropologists focus on the human side of money when they see us now and in the past, as individuals, as families, and as one world.

When Does Cash Matter?

Looking at the economic impact of India’s 2016 demonetization of large denomination rupees, researchers concluded that cash still matters.

The Cash We Love to Stash

Although going cashless seems to be a trend, we are printing more $100 bills for people in the U.S.and elsewhere in the world.

What Money Should Look Like

Using color, size and content, better banknote currency design would make our dollar bills more functional and meaningful.

Why Bitcoin Is Not Money

By spending bitcoin, we see the multiple reasons that calling it a cryptocurrency can be misleading because it is not money.