One Song, Two Graphs and the Fed’s Dual Mandate

Because the Congress established a dual mandate of high employment and price stability for the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, they created a dilemma.

The Cost of Curing Different Diseases

Whether health insurance or individuals pay for healthcare, treatment decisions relate to the opportunity cost of using the time, money and resources.

The Downside of Cheap Oil

Cheap oil creates a tradeoff for GDP growth between a consumer spending more and oil producers cutting back on jobs and investment.

There Is No Such Thing as a Free Charge

Electric vehicle subsidies change a slew of incentives that range from car purchases to commuting and parking decisions.

The Expensive Side of (Venezuela’s) Cheap Gas

Subsidies and taxes determine the price of gasoline. Whether gasoline is cheap or expensive, its price affects people’s incentives and national tradeoffs.

Why Would a Firm Not Want 50 Employees?

Economist Casey Mulligan says that the Affordable Care Act will impact labor markets by diminishing productively through perverse incentives.

Do You Want a Healthcare Nudge?

Primarily for fiscal reasons, in Japan, most 40-74 year olds get their waist size checked each year. A part of the required annual physical exams from local government or employers, waist size is monitored because an obese population can be expensive.…

The Difference Between India's Stories and Statistics

There is a village in Southern India called Kadapakkam. It had been a home to farmers and fishermen whose thatched huts had no running water and no electrical appliances. At traditional tea shops located at the side of the local, narrow and potholed road, you could meet a friend. One 62…

Our Weekly Roundup: From Prop 8 to Alexander Hamilton

An Econlife roundup for the week This week same-sex marriage and human capital, natural gas and opportunity cost were some of the ways we connected everyday life with economics.   06.30.14 The battle against Prop 8 was about more than validating same-sex marriage…more…

What is the Real Natural Gas Trade off?

Our occasional Wednesday environment focus When you discuss natural gas, do you refer to the environment, the economy or the law? Just mention natural gas to some of my friends and they focus on the environment. Concerned about the impact of the process used…