Why a Natural Monopoly is Good for Peak Power and the Super Flush

At the end of the last episode of M*A*S*H, during I Love Lucy commercials, after a popular BBC soap, we need a natural monopoly to satisfy peak demand.

A Marijuana Update

Whether looking at a new Colorado drive-thru or Canada’s problems, always, a marijuana update will take us to demand and supply.

Getting Order From Wild Blueberries

Although no one tells Maine’s wild blueberry growers how much to plant, blueberry markets signal when to cut back and when to plant more.

Solving a National Parks Problem

After hiking the Appalachian Trail in record time, ultra-marathon runner Scott Jurek was cheered by friends, family and a film crew. At the top of Maine’s Mount Katahdin, they popped open a bottle of Champagne and celebrated his 46 day 8 hour 7 minute run.…

The Exciting Side of Vanilla Economics

If your ice cream cone costs more this summer, just think of supply and demand and Madagascar’s soaring vanilla bean prices.

The Problem With Sand

If we have a sand shortage, Olympic beach volleyball, new homes and roads, fracking, water filtration, and so much more will be affected.

A Surprising Way to Ration Education

Because of increasing demand, Shanghai’s private schools have revised their admission requirements. In addition to the typical student tests and interviews, now parents and grandparents have to meet certain academic standards. At two schools, if your kid applied, YOU would have to take an…

When the Price is Always Right

At two gas stations near Rotterdam, price is constantly changing. Using software that recognizes buying behavior, the retailers try to match the price to the customer. Those who are willing to pay more and those who cannot will each get appropriate price points. Done right, sales rise.…

Managing the McRib

Knowing that McRib supply is not predictable, the fans of the pork, barbecue sauce, onions and pickle sandwich are delighted whenever it resurfaces.

Mind Boggling Facts About U.S. Energy Use

From where we get it, to where its goes, and how much we waste, these charts illustrate all you could ever want to know about the basics of U.S. energy use.