Everything You Might Not Know About Government Shutdowns

While a government shutdown could just be called cutback because of an appropriations gap, a closer look reveals a fascinating host of issues and costs.

Government Shutdown Basics

If the Congress does not replace tomorrow’s expired continuing resolution with a temporary spending replacement, we will have another government shutdown.

Why Traffic Tickets Relate To Tax Reform

Last spring, a young Norwegian woman worth close to $1.25 billion was pulled to the side of the road in her Audi Q3. Because the authorities determined that her blood alcohol was three times the normal limit, this month, an…

Why SALT Might Not Be Good For Our (Financial) Health

In the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, legislators eliminate deductions to offset lower tax rates. One target is SALT–state and local tax deductions.

The Surprising Lessons From Economic Crises

For all economic crises, some economists tell us, “This time it’s different,” while others disagree with their new solutions.

The Best Places to Grow Old

Looking at adequacy, sustainability, and integrity, we would see that the retirement income systems of 27 nations vary considerably.

The Best Places For Paying Business Taxes

Talking about U.S. business tax reform, a PWC/World Bank Report shows us that there is so much more to consider than the 35% top rate. The Best Business Tax Places The Report did a country-to-country comparison by creating a standardized…

Choosing the Best Healthcare Country

The one number we can be sure of for the Cassidy-Graham Healthcare Plan is 141. Its length is 141 pages. With no “score” from the Congressional Budget Office, lawmakers have no shared estimate of its fiscal and coverage impact. Meanwhile,…

Debating Kenya’s Plastic Bag Ban

To hear a single-use plastic bag regulation debate, you could go to Kenya or NYC while Rwandans might be discussing their plastic bag black market.

How an Economic Statistic Created a Crime

When Greek deficit totals were revised by the head of their statistical office, the Greek government said a crime had been committed.