The Cost of Commuting

Average one-way daily commuting time in the U.S. was 26 minutes and 36 seconds during 2016. As a benchmark though, those 26 1/2 (or so) minutes say a lot more. How Long We Commute Comparing the average to the past,…

Should Colleges Become More Like Robin Hood?

The benefits of a STEM major are less than they appear because a college’s cost of education for STEM students can be disproportionately expensive.

Solving a National Parks Problem

After hiking the Appalachian Trail in record time, ultra-marathon runner Scott Jurek was cheered by friends, family and a film crew. At the top of Maine’s Mount Katahdin, they popped open a bottle of Champagne and celebrated his 46 day 8 hour 7 minute run.…

Why It’s Tough to Solve Traffic Congestion

While the traffic congestion problem in NYC, LA and D.C. wastes huge time and money, they do not appear to want to solve it.

The Cost of Raising a Child

Including how much we spend on the tooth fairy, the cost of raising a child can simply be one total or it can involve different specific expenditures.

Why There is No Such Thing as Free Parking

Even in North Dakota where there is a ban on parking meters along town and city streets, there is no such thing as free parking.

Oscar’s Hidden Costs

Frequently hidden, Academy Award costs relate to gifts given to the major nominees and the host, to the speeches and even to our taxes.

Weekly Roundup: From Pricey Hips to Costly Lines

Our economic news summary includes underutilizing female labor, delayed gratification, pricing medical care, interstate migration & assessing labor markets.

The Cost of a Parmesan Catastrophe

The cost of a natural disaster tends to be higher in dollars in developed nations and in victims in the developing world.

Why Marijuana is Not Green

Legalizing recreational marijuana, government has created environmental negative externalities by substantially increasing the number of local growers.