Why We Have More Bananas

Customized container ship refrigeration has made it possible for our fruit imports to include many more bananas, limes, mangoes, and berries.

McDonald’s Soggy French Fries Problem

Because of their new delivery partnership with UberEats, McDonald’s has a soggy French fries problem that they need to solve.

The One Thing We Should Know About Making Sneakers

With consumers expecting faster product cycles, Adidas is experimenting with a new supply chain that accelerates sneaker production.

Four Fantastic Charts That Tell What We Need to Know About the Plastic Problem

Store by store, through one aisle that has 700 items, the Dutch supermarket chain Ekoplaza will support sustainability with plastics-free grocery shopping.

New Figure Skating Music…But Who Pays?

Now that music with words can accompany Olympic figure skating, there is less classical music, more hip-hop and Beyoncé, and some questions about intellectual property rights.

Doing an Environmental Good Turn With a Revolving Door

Increasing everyday sustainability, using a revolving building door rather than one that swings would add less to our individual carbon footprint.

The Unusual Ad That Sells Washing Machines

Samsung’s washing machine competition demonstrates typical oligopoly behavior through a 66 minute ad that stars red socks.

How the Movies Became Cool

An August release, The Shape of Water could be in theaters during hot summer weather because of the invention of air conditioning.

The Surprising Significance of Ping Pong

Perhaps correlated with ping pong table sales, the venture capital that goes to technology startups is concentrated in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Boston/NY/Washington D.C. corridor.

A Banana, a Billionaire, and a Tesla Tax Follow-Up

Our banana, $450 million painting, and Tesla tax stories were just so interesting that they deserved fascinating follow-ups.