Where (and When) Do Women Earn More?

Whereas a Pew report says that young women’s gender pay gap has disappeared in 22 metropolitan areas, the whole story is not quite as good.

Why March Madness Gender Equity Is More Than Swag Bags

While the NCAA has a report with a long list of remedies, this year’s March Madness reflects minimal progress toward gender equity.

The Sexist Side of Transport

Unnoticed because we are so used to how we travel each day, gender biased transport design makes life tougher for women.

Looking at the Invisible Work That Women Do

Looking at women’s invisible work, we also see the relatively small amount done by men in most countries and the pay that was foregone.

The Saudi Women That Are Narrowing the Gender Gap

With the opportunity to occupy new jobs and to drive, Saudi women have narrowed a gender gap that remains massive

What a Monkey Knows About Risk

When researchers observed risk taking behavior among Chinese children with different cultural norms, they perceived a pay gap parallel.

When Alphabetical Order Matters

Ranging from the Olympics to scholarly papers and with everything in between, alphabetical order is an equalizer.

Why Your College Major Matters

Trying to understand the gender pay gap, researchers correlated college majors, occupational choices, and wages.

How Gender Parity Starts With Toys and Ends in the Executive Suite

Empowering women, gender parity in California’s toy aisles could ripple to MBA programs and the top of the corporate suite.

The Best and Worst Cities For Working Women

By ranking 15 cities, Bloomberg Businessweek used five criteria to identify the best places for working women.