Why Buying Plum Jam Is Like Retaking the SAT

When shopping in a supermarket or deciding whether to retake a test, we should be aware of our left-digit bias.

What Covid Teaches Us About a College Town

As much as university and college shutdowns affect schools and students, they can also have a devastating impact on local towns and cities.

What We Need to Open a School Safely

The cost of opening schools safely becomes more of a concern when we look at the impact of the coronavirus on state finance.

Why Prisoners Need Barista Skills

Echoing the rehabilitation emphasized by Norway’s prison system, barista skills are taught to some inmates at Rikers Island.

How a Common Application Affected College Admissions

At highly selective schools, 2019 college admission rates were pretty low: Harvard: 4.5% Yale: 5.91% Stanford: 4.3% in 2018 (They are no longer releasing the number.) But we are looking at a tiny proportion of the higher education population. At…

The Problem With the Amazing Increase in Kids’ Allowances

While children’s allowances are way up, the financial responsibility that parents hope to develop has not been apparent in financial literacy surveys.

How To Make Kids Smarter

Fifty years ago, when Sesame Street was a new educational idea, it proved that watching TV could make our kids smarter academically and emotionally.

A Tale of Two Neighborhoods

Rather than identifying pockets of poverty, recent income mobility research suggests policy makers focus on opportunity areas.

Why Free Tuition Is Like An Onion

When Kalamazoo, Michigan made college more accessible to high school graduates through a free tuition program, they were surprised by some of the results.

How A Working Mother’s Time Use Has Changed

Working mothers have changed the amount of time they spend on the job, and also on household chores, caring for children, sleeping, and leisure.