Weekly Roundup: From the Diner’s Dilemma to Lost Labor

This week’s economic news summary includes the diner’s dilemma and marginal analysis, property rights in outer space, the Phillip’s Curve and unemployment.

It’s Time for Outer Space Lawyers

Now that the technology will soon exist to mine asteroids and profit from them, property rights in outer space have become a relevant legal issue.

Weekly Roundup: From Skyscraper Shadows to Trendy Foods

This week’s everyday economics includes property rights, trade, creative destruction, entitlements, tradeoffs, conservation, externalities, price, and markets.

How to Deal With Skyscraper Shadows

Whenever a new skyscraper is built, we can ask whether its shadow violates our property rights when it eliminates the sunlight in a city’s parks.

Weekly Roundup: From Raisin Reserves to Greek Bank Reserves

Our everyday economics includes inelasticity, supply, regulation, entitlements, subsidies, healthcare, innovation, price floor, monetary policy, euro zone.

Weekly Roundup: From Raisins to BBQ

Our everyday economics includes property rights, sovereign debt, default,, externalities, regulation, Pigovian taxes, incentive, state taxes, and oligopoly.

Is the Raisin Reserve “Unraisonable”?

The Supreme Court is deciding if the USDA can affect raisin grower property rights though a raisin reserve that mandates crop surrender to prop up price.

Weekly Roundup: From Playing Monopoly to Flying Drones

Our everyday economics includes BRICs & MINTs, supply, monopoly, tradeoffs, economic consensus, innovation, property rights, redistribution, fertility rate.

Drones and Property Rights In the Air

Regulation of innovations like drones can take us back to old economic principles like property rights that have supported the market system for centuries.

Weekly Roundup: From Baseball Contracts to Super Bowl Ads

Our week’s everyday economics include inflation, supply and demand, income mobility, property rights, incentives, default, CDS, and monopoly pricing.