Why Currency is a Gender Issue

Conveying a message on gender and economic history, Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill should remain and a woman should replace Jackson on the $20 bill.

Weekly Roundup: From Uber’s Impact to the Cost of Children

Our everyday economics includes social norms, tradeoffs, financial intermediaries, human capital, sovereign debt, externalities,labor markets, & gender gap.

Why Children Are More Expensive Than We Think

To the dollars families spend on children, we can add the cost of stress from the time we devote to developing a child’s human capital.

Weekly Roundup: From More Money to Fewer Restrooms

Our everyday economics includes scarcity, tradeoffs, cost, sustainability, hyperinflation, gender issues, externalities, African development, human capital.

The Significance of Potty Parity

Called potty parity, equal access to public restrooms for women and men is a gender issue that creates negative externalities for women at work and leisure.

Weekly Roundup: From Greek Games to Tennis Matches

Our everyday economics includes externalities, branding, monopolistic competition, sovereign debt, game theory, elasticity, taxes, markets and the glass ceiling.

Finding the Cracks in the Glass Ceiling

Wage data from 1981 to 2012 show that women who are top earners have made progress in cracking the glass ceiling but their numbers remain relatively low.

Weekly Roundup: From Height to Hamburgers

Our everyday economics includes behavioral economics, GDP, demand & supply, inflation, tradeoffs, markets, consumer spending, environment, and regulation.

Weekly Roundup: From Apple’s Chimes to Boston’s Olympics

Our everyday economics includes innovation, incentives, environment, regulation, gender,monopolistic competition, oligopoly ,intellectual property and cost,

How Feminists Should Feel About New Yorker Cartoons

Stereotypical depictions of women in cartoons reinforces an expectations bias that men are authority figures while women are parents.