Where the Most Trusted Cereal is a Star

With advertisements easy to ignore, food and beverage companies are increasingly using TV product placement as a competitive strategy.

The New Chicken Sandwich Wars

With the 2022 battles in the fast food chicken sandwich wars, we have the traditional sandwiches from the 2019 war and new entries also.

All You Could Want To Know About Chocolate

When a crash in chocolate markets almost forced growers on two small islands to leave the industry, they changed how they competed.

What We Can Learn From Ketchup and Mustard

Looking at logos, we can prove the Ketchup and Mustard Theory through the colors that fast food chains use.

The Life of a Christmas Tree: From Seedling to Six-Footer

Looking at the life of a Christmas tree from seedling to six footer, we can see why it will cost us approximately $75.

Learn With Elaine: McDonald’s Speedy Drive-Thru

To compete against other fast food chains in a monopolistically competitive market,, McDonald’s needs a speedy drive-thru.

Why McDonald’s Cares About a Speedy Drive-Thru

For drive-thru speed, McDonald’s believes that just 20 seconds can make a huge difference in taking customers away from competitors.

Back to the Future: Standard Oil and Amazon?

Today’s “Back to the Future” looks back to the 1911 Standard Oil Supreme Court breakup decision and then at Amazon’s antitrust concerns.

What We Might Not Know About Big Tech

Comparing the companies called big tech, we can see the similar ways that they grew, diversified, and became increasingly powerful.

How Tiger Woods Helped Nike Sell Golf Balls

At $20 million a year for 30 years, a sports marketing expert said Hideki Matsuyama could “unlock $600 million in endorsements” because of yesterday’s Masters win at Augusta National. It’s all about the hats and the shirts. Let’s take a…