Connecting Medicaid Expansion to the Divorce Rate

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid expansion and subsequent Supreme Court decision had a surprising impact the divorce rate.

How the Post Office Makes No Cents

Thinking of postal service finances, you might picture Meyer Chuck, Alaska’s 25 residents receiving a weekly mail delivery.

The Surprising Consequences of Taxing Bagels and Windows

By changing our homes and our cream cheese purchases, taxes on bagels and windows can have unintended consequences when they distort our behavior.

How Japan’s Shrinking Population Creates Growing Problems

The fiscal challenges that Japan’s shrinking population has created come from a shrinking birth rate and an aging population.

A Reality Check For Pension Recipients

Shown through grades that are mostly Cs and Ds, state pension problems display unrealistic fiscal policy decisions for an aging population.

When a Score is Not About a Game

Told that the House had not waited for CBO scoring results before passing a version of the American Health Care Act, we can ask what they were missing.

Curing Saudi Arabia’s Dutch Disease

The Saudi king’s golden escalators are examples of their affluence from oil and the need for Saudi diversification from oil.

Why Corporate Taxes Are Never Simple

Similar to a Magritte surrealistic painting, corporate taxes are not as simple as they appear because publicized numbers hide the real facts and incentives.

What We Don’t Know About Taxes

Asked about tax policy, most of us know little about who pays the most, how rates have changed, and which tax legislation was the best.

Understanding the Big Numbers in the Federal Budget

Judging the Trump blueprint for the federal budget, we need to figure out how to compare trillion dollar totals to billion dollar proposals.