The New Shopper (Who is Really Old)

As an aging population soon takes us to a demographic turning point, retailers will adjust the shopping experience to an older customer.

All You Never Knew About Sleep and Work

In Japan, you could be admired for taking a daytime snooze at work. Called inemuri, “sleeping while present,” lets you attend a meeting while displaying your diligence through your exhaustion. It lets you signal that you are on the job…

Curing Saudi Arabia’s Dutch Disease

The Saudi king’s golden escalators are examples of their affluence from oil and the need for Saudi diversification from oil.

How Aging Populations Affect What We Make and Sell

Through robot innovation and changes in retail and housing markets, nations with aging populations will show the impact of a massive demographic shift.

The Impact of Japan’s Aging Population

As Japan’s aging population grows older, the country’s producers of goods and services will increasingly cater to an above 65 demographic.

Part 2: What To Do When More People Are Old

Facing an aging population and more entitlements, countries that are encouraging more births to expand the labor force might be creating a bigger problem.

Part 1: What To Do When More People Are Old

As population shifts, developed nations will have redistribution decisions as the proportion of the non-working aged and the young need more labor income.

What An Unemployment Rate Does Not Tell You

A single statistic like the unemployment rate for Japan, the European Union and the U.S. can be misleading until we look more closely at what it represents.

How Does a Helicopter Drop $4 Trillion?

When the Federal Reserve’s three basic monetary policy tools did not work, it created quantitative easing to up economic growth and decrease unemployment.

Do You Want a Healthcare Nudge?

Primarily for fiscal reasons, in Japan, most 40-74 year olds get their waist size checked each year. A part of the required annual physical exams from local government or employers, waist size is monitored because an obese population can be expensive.…