How Big is the Leisure Gap Between Men and Women?
June 16, 2014
Could You Like a Carbon Tax?
June 18, 2014In a long list of categories that they called, “The World Cup of Everything Else,” WSJ created brackets from the 32 World Cup teams and determined the winners. In 6 areas, Australia was #1 or #2:
For life expectancy, Australia comes in 2nd:
Here she is #1:
For GDP per capita, among the Word Cup teams, Australia is #2.
Compared to other World Cup teams, Australia has many cars per person:
Perhaps predictably, she has relatively high CO2 emissions:
And finally, Australia is almost at the top for the number of McDonalds for each person (but not Starbucks–The US is #1 and South Korea #2)
Our bottom line: The characteristics that Australia shared with her “toughest competition” in this WSJ tournament were typical of developed nations. We only needed to add an educated populace and advanced technology.
The brackets convey a wealth of information. Please let us know in a comment any conclusions you would add.