Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Cranberries to Mackerel

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from investing advice to prison currency.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Chinese Pigs to U.S. Turkeys

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from a junk food tax to feeding refugees.h

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Oreos to Airports

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from commuring cost to authoritative voices.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From An Apple to a Sandwich

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roumndup ranges from sustainable fast fashion to marijuana.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Work Hours to Banana Prices

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from cheap bananas to a golden spike.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Runs on Rice to Juice Markets

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from airplane etiquette to haunted houses.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Taylornomics to Shrinkflation

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from food spending to China’s Belt and Road.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From More Income to Less Weight

Weekly Roundup​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Sunday 10.08.23 When a weight loss drug is about more than food… Monday 10.09.23 Where to find two Americas… Tuesday 10.10.23 Why Claudia Goldin received Economics Prize…     Wednesday 10.11.23 Where medicine cures a gender pay gap……

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Freddie Mercury to Tigst Assefa

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from chair history to license plate prices.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Starbucks to Gas Stations

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from women’s height bias to the shutdown.