Why It Helps to Have (Emoji) Standardization

We know that transactions are easier when weights and measures and times are standardized but do we need emoji standardization?

What Technology Entrepreneurs Want From Government

With Silicon Valley being called a massive ATM, researchers looked at the opinions of elite technology entrepreneurs to see their political influence.

Looking at Invisible Labor

While a diplomat negotiates a treaty and a singer records music, few of us recognize the invisible labor that made their work possible.

Looking at the Southwest Effect

Sometimes invisible, the Southwest Effect has influenced air fares and air traffic since the 1970s when Southwest was a small Texas carrier.

When the Power of the Market Affects Commodity Prices

The results of the bet between biologist Paul Ehrlich and economist Julian Simon showed how the power of the market affects commodity prices.

Throwback Thursday: Remembering the Best French Fries

#TBT Throwback Thursday: Looking back at the original McDonald’s french fries that were made with beef tallow, we could say that the taste was worth the fat.

New Territory for Self-Driving Cars

Whereas the Model T brought us suburbia, highways and McDonald’s, the spillover from self-driving cars will also transform our lives at home and at work.

Throwback Thursday: Remembering When We Were More Connected

With a soaring proportion of households becoming cellphone-only users, on this #TBT we can look back at the disappearing landline.

Lighting Up Our Lives

Our lighting history shows how artificial illumination used to be too costly to use and now is so cheap that we ignore it.

Throwback Thursday: Remembering When We Were More Productive

On this #TBT, we can look back at the golden age of productivity growth to see when and how our standard of living improved.