Weekly Roundup: From Lost Jobs to Fewer Tips

Posts Roundup Sunday 10.11.15 Why we stick with a brand…more Monday 10.12.15 The many meanings of the minimum wage…more Tuesday 10.13.15 How a drone port solves road problems…more Wednesday 10.14.15 Development surprises from a new Nobel winner…more Thursday 10.15.15 Finding disappearing jobs…more…

Why Brand Loyalty is about More than Taste

Brand loyalty, preferring aspartame in Diet Pepsi and Coca-Cola’s original recipe can be explained by ideas from behavioral economics like status quo bias.

Weekly Roundup: From Slicing Bread to Saving Honeybees

Our everyday economics includes behavioral economics, commitment devices, environment, supply, regulation, free trade, gender issues and the minimum wage.

The Best and Worst Ways to Stop Smoking

Expensive for employers and society, smoking is a habit that requires cleverly designed commitment devices for successfully getting people to quit.