Banking on Marijuana

Reflected by duffle bags filled with cash, marijuana’s financial services problems demonstrate why we need banks and other financial intermediaries.

Six Facts About Marijuana and Money

Looking at marijuana economics, we see a growing industry that is constrained by the clash between federal and state law.

U.S. Steel and Apple: From One Billion to One Trillion

Rather like Apple just became the first trillion dollar corporation, in 1901 U.S. Steel took us past the billion dollar threshold.

The Results of Warren Buffett’s Million Dollar Bet

With a Vanguard S&P Index fund competing against a group of hedge funds, a decade-long Warren Buffett bet for $1 million has just ended.

Weekly Roundup: From Uber’s Impact to the Cost of Children

Our everyday economics includes social norms, tradeoffs, financial intermediaries, human capital, sovereign debt, externalities,labor markets, & gender gap.

What To Do When Greek ATMs Run Dry

Temporarily closing Greek banks means the loss of financial intermediaries that pump money around the economy for individuals, businesses and government.

Weekly Roundup: From Fed Humor to the Wisdom of Warren Buffett

Our Posts Roundup Sunday 3.01.15 Handy notes from Warren Buffett…more Monday 3.02.15 The basics of Greek tax evasion…more Tuesday 3.03.15 Insight about airline queues…more Wednesday 3.04.15 Why we subsidize Brazilian farmers…more Thursday 3.05.15 What an ATM can teach us…more  …

Our Weekly Roundup: From Being Cool to Being a Wise Investor

This week’s everyday economics stories included spillover, externalities, incentive, opportunity cost, sovereign debt, demand and financial intermediaries.

Weekly Roundup: From Marijuana to Multinationals

This week’s stories on everyday economics include productivity, externalities, tax revenue, monopolistic competition, international trade and economic forecasting.

Marijuana Money Problems

Colorado’s marijuana growers and dealers are wasting resources because banks and insurance companies will not act as their financial intermediaries.