The Diner’s Dilemma: Should You Divide the Check Equally With Friends?

Like the tragedy of the commons, splitting a bill among friends at a restaurant involves an individual’s marginal benefit and the group’s marginal cost.

Weekly Roundup: From Blockbuster Movies to Student Debt

This week’s economic news summary includes the transactions costs of new medical diagnostic codes, the personal and macro impact of the student loan crisis.

Part 1: Understanding the Student Loan Crisis

The characteristics of the student loan crisis include a high default and delinquency rate, huge amounts of money and a personal and macroeconomic impact.

Weekly Roundup: From Fed Dots to Income Traps

Our economic news summary includes interest rates and the Fed, inequality and developing nations, space travel innovation and consumer spending changes.

Why Doing Good is Not Always Easy

By recognizing the tradeoffs of recycling, preserving endangered species and improving world health, doing good could become more productive.

Weekly Roundup: From Uber Drivers to Gasoline Prices

Our economic news summary includes labor regulation and Uber, the GDP and streets, gasoline price fluctuation, food and inequality and markets and syrup.

Deciding Who is an Uber Employee

Government could tell sharing economy firms like Uber, Lyft and Kitchensurfing if workers will be employees or independent contractors.

Weekly Roundup: From Skyscraper Shadows to Trendy Foods

This week’s everyday economics includes property rights, trade, creative destruction, entitlements, tradeoffs, conservation, externalities, price, and markets.

Why We Need Trophy Hunting

Expensive trophy hunting packages demonstrate how the price system gives a value to animals that helps to preserve them.

Weekly Roundup: From Robot Servers to Shrimp Farmers

Our everyday economics includes wages, externalities, productivity, income, tradeoff, taxes, fiscal policy, gender, human capital and comparative advantage.