Behavioral Economics

The intersection of psychology and economics, behavioral economics looks at human tendencies that involve biology and culture when predicting and explaining economic decision-making.

Six Facts: The Economic Side of the French Bulldog

Six facts about the economics of French bulldogs can explain why they are popular, expensive, and appeal to dognappers.

How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution

Combining the incentive of a “fresh start” with commitment devices, we could actually keep our New Year’s resolutions.

A Return to the Downside of Gift Giving

During the holiday season, our gift giving might have less value than we expect because recipients engage in preference falsification.

A Non-Scents Review on Amazon

Among the countless ways that Covid has affected our lives, now we can add the correlation suggested by Amazon candle reviews.

The $50 That No One Wanted

While a brown M&M and an unread college course syllabus seem very different, they both provide a lesson about the need for default options.

How Being a Big Man Might Matter

In separate studies, researchers have demonstrated that the status enjoyed by big men with more weight and height echoes male pigeon power.

How the Pandemic Changed the Birth Rate

Sometimes compared to hurricanes, victory celebrations and blackouts, the pandemic birth rate also responded to a catastrophe.

When New Roads Have Cost Overruns and Benefit Shortfalls

Recent research indicates that Department of Transportation cost-benefit analysis for future transportation spending will be misleading.

The Price We Pay For a Costly Comma and an Absent Apostrophe

When we use poor punctuation, a misplaced comma or a missing apostrophe can create a costly mistaken message.

When Carbon is Like a Calorie

By looking at the impact of the Affordable Care Act’s calorie label mandate, we can guess how much Google’s emission facts will influence us.