Government Nudge Squad Questions

A government Nudge Squad that compensates for our irrational behavior is dealing with policy makers with the same behavioral economics irrationalities.

Weekly Roundup: From Fed Dots to Income Traps

Our economic news summary includes interest rates and the Fed, inequality and developing nations, space travel innovation and consumer spending changes.

Weekly Roundup: From Data Spies to Ivory Trackers

Our economic news summary ranges from elasticity and a Berkeley soda tax to the minimum wage and the cost of living, to the power of the market and ivory.

Weekly Roundup: From Slow Mommy Tracks to Fast Wall Street Traders

Our weekly economics news summary included the yuan and foreign exchange, Google and branding, parental leave and incentives, and choosing your own price.

The Unintended Consequences of Parental Leave

Although firms and countries have family friendly policies with generous paternity and maternity leave, the impact has harmed women’s chances for promotion.

Weekly Roundup: From Traffic Congestion to Job Evaluation

Our everyday economics includes central planning, unintended consequences, comparative advantage, transportation infrastructure, cost & developing nations.

How a Performance Metric Can Lead to a Giant Nail

In government, business and at home, the performance metrics we create always are accompanied by incentives that create unintended consequences.

Weekly Roundup: From Apple’s Chimes to Boston’s Olympics

Our everyday economics includes innovation, incentives, environment, regulation, gender,monopolistic competition, oligopoly ,intellectual property and cost,

The Smell Test That Some EU Cheese Makers Failed

Just like tariffs and other trade barriers, the Russian embargo of EU cheese helped Russian cheese makers as increases in supply and demand raised prices.

Weekly Roundup: From Free Delivery to Expensive Coffee

Our everyday economics includes competition, progressive taxes, free trade, externalities, sunk cost, productivity, supply chain, incentives, & tradeoffs.