What Men and Women Want in a Mate

By identifying the decisions that men and women make while speed dating, we can see where they rank intelligence, attractiveness and ambition.

The Real Infrastructure Spending Story

Referring to spending at the federal, state, and local levels, and to roads and bridges and electrical transmission lines and railroads and so much more, infrastructure spending is monumentally complex.

Why Valentine’s Roses Bloom in Colombia

Most of our Valentine’s roses come from Colombia because of the U.S. government, the perfect combination of land, labor and capital, and Walmart.

How Your Dog is an Economic Indicator

Looking at New York City real estate prices and the dogs that households own, we can see a correlation and a quirky economic indicator.

Weekly Economic News Roundup: From NAFTA Burgers to Cupcake Bubbles

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup ranges from the dad bonus and NYC congestion to financial bubbles.

Cupcakes and Other Notable Bubbles

Whether looking at 1637 or 2000, markets and financial bubbles always seem to find each other. As a surge in demand pushes prices up, the result resembles a bubble because it is full of air rather than value.

The Surprising Reasons For Food Inequality

Whereas food inequality had been correlated to lack of availability and high prices, new research shows other reasons low income households eat more unhealthy food than those with more money.

Searching For an Accurate Statistic

Whether looking at the height of Mount Everest or at the rules of origin that will be renegotiated during the NAFTA talks, we have a statistical accuracy problem.

The Mom Penalty and the Dad Bonus

Confirming that children add to the gender pay gap, the motherhood penalty and the fatherhood bonus each create more of a spread between female and male earnings.

How to Make a NAFTA Burger

Deconstructing your hamburger and French fries, you would see how NAFTA benefits consumers with lower prices for each ingredient.