The Shocking Amount of Electricity That Bitcoin Consumes

Although it is a virtual currency, Bitcoin’s huge electricity consumption is very real when we consider the land, labor, and capital its computers require.

The Economy Where Black is Banned

Like Turkmenistan and Zimbabwe, wherever property rights are unpredictable, we can assume that we have a command economy.

Everything You Might Not Know About Government Shutdowns

While a government shutdown could just be called cutback because of an appropriations gap, a closer look reveals a fascinating host of issues and costs.

Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Latte Levies to Ping Pong Tables

Weekly Roundup                         Sunday 1.14.17 The ping pong economic indicator…                    Monday 1.15.18   When a restaurant is like an airline……

What The Last Supper Says About Food Portions

Looking at entrée, bread and plate sizes in versions of the Last Supper during the past millennium gives us some clues about portion size history.

Government Shutdown Basics

If the Congress does not replace tomorrow’s expired continuing resolution with a temporary spending replacement, we will have another government shutdown.

The Significance of a Beer Case

Because some young men who could not buy beer in Oklahoma said the law was unconstitutional, the Supreme Court had to look at gender discrimination.

Why the U.K. Wants a Latte Levy

Because the polyethylene in coffee cups prevents proper recycling, the British parliament is considering a latte levy to solve the problem.

The Mystery of the Different Mac and Cheese Prices

When restaurants use dynamic pricing they can maximize revenue and diner flow by charging less on Mondays and more on Saturdays.

The Surprising Significance of Ping Pong

Perhaps correlated with ping pong table sales, the venture capital that goes to technology startups is concentrated in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Boston/NY/Washington D.C. corridor.