Mind Boggling Facts About U.S. Energy Use

From where we get it, to where its goes, and how much we waste, these charts illustrate all you could ever want to know about the basics of U.S. energy use.

The Jobs That Unemployed Men Don’t Want

We have far fewer secretaries and many less manufacturing jobs. But the secretaries are not in the headlines. Why? Male- and Female-Dominated Jobs In areas like manufacturing, there are many male-dominated jobs. Those male dominated jobs though tend to be…

How the Power of the Market Makes Airline Passengers Happy

When airlines overbook flights, they just need to recognize the power of the market and pay passengers high enough prices (vouchers) for their seats.

Why Meteorite Ownership Matters

While it can be tough to decide who owns a meteorite, in China and the U.S., those “intergalactic” property rights matter since they determine who profits.

Debating the Success of U.S. Healthcare

When ranking national healthcare, organizations use statistics that can be misleading because they are based on averages that include irrelevant data.

Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Snuggie Taxes to Subway Tokens

Weekly News Roundup Sunday 04.02.17 Where women’s athletics has a glass ceiling… Monday 04.03.17 Making federal budget numbers more meaningful… Tuesday 04.04.17 When a blanket is more than a cover… Wednesday 04.05.17 The plastic card that changed NYC…   Thursday 04.06.17 Where to find…

When It’s Okay To Discriminate

Saying firms can’t refill and resell their cartridges, Lexmark International is fighting for printer cartridge patent protection in the Supreme Court.

What Matt Damon Can Teach Us About Chinese FDI

The Great Wall is a man beats monsters movie. Set in medieval China, the film has Matt Damon stumbling upon China’s Great Wall just when they need him to conquer a horde of invading Tao Tei. From what I can…

Why the U.S. Government Cares About a Snuggie

Deciding whether Snuggies is a blanket or a pullover garment is about more than a name. The outcome decided the protective tariff it would owe.

Understanding the Big Numbers in the Federal Budget

Judging the Trump blueprint for the federal budget, we need to figure out how to compare trillion dollar totals to billion dollar proposals.