Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Packaging Chips to Recycling Waste

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup ranges from chips packages and trendy foods to recycling the world’s waste.

Hollywood’s Unusually Large Gender Pay Gap

Hollywood’s gender pay gap displayed by Michelle Williams and Mark Wahlberg is caused by so much more than one woman’s failure to negotiate.

How to Solve the Missing Chips Problem

Puffier than they need to be, misleading packages have been the subject of class action lawsuits by people who feel they were overcharged for their chips.

The Rise and Fall of Organic Milk

Like other trendy foods that temporarily attract consumers, the organic milk decline followed a surge in sales and an increase in supply.

China’s Recycling Reversal

When China told the WTO it would no longer recycle a lot of the world’s waste, it created a ripple of externalities from Hong Kong to Portland, Oregon.

What Not To Tell During a Job Interview

Trying to narrow the gender pay gap, states are passing legislation that prohibits a salary history question during job interviews.

Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Salad Bars to Coffee Shops

Weekly Roundup                   Sunday 12.31.17 Updates for bananas, billionaires and a Tesla tax…                           Monday 1.01.18 Sounding like an economist…

Can Shoveling a Parking Spot Make It Yours?

Called winter dibs, shoveling the snow from a public parking space can temporarily make that spot your private property…but should it?

Using Time to Choose Your Coffee Shop

In 2015, Norway’s Odd-Steinar Tøllefsen won the World Brewers Cup competition. The rules are simple. You just need to use a non-mechanical coffee brewing method and have won qualifying regional competitions. Essentially, we are talking about pouring water (by hand)…

What an Economist Would Buy at the Salad Bar

We could say that we are looking at salad bar economics when we compare the price per pound at the salad bar to the produce aisle.