What the Supreme Court Might Cost Us

The Supreme Court decision on South Dakota’s internet taxes will affect local and online businesses, consumers, and state budgets.

Throwback Thursday: A Look Back at the Dow

#TBT: With General Electric leaving the Dow Industrial Average, today is a perfect time to look back at Charles Dow, Eddie Jones, and the Dow that GE joined in 1896.

Why Bitcoin Is Not a Security

Asking if bitcoin is a security, a commodity, money, or property, we get a list of different answers that lead us to regulatory questions.

How Starbucks Coffee Bean Husks Are Like Perdue Chicken Paws

When previously worthless byproducts like coffee bean husks, chicken paws, and hog snouts became popular, we increased our economic efficiency.

Why We Needed to Retake the Marshmallow Test

After doing their own version of the marshmallow test, researchers from NYU and UC Irvine told us to look at the value of delayed gratification somewhat differently.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Egg Labels to Avocado Problems

Weekly Roundup               Sunday 6.10.18 The problems the avocado had to solve…                 Monday 6.11.18 What could help a country win the World Cup…      …

A Trade Story With a Happy Ending

Looking at airplane manufacturing through Bombardier’s new billion dollar order from Delta, we can see why a multinational supply chain can lower tariffs.

The FDA’s Label Problem

When their requirements are outdated or illogical, FDA guidelines can create misleading labels for foods like eggs and skim milk.

The Mystery of the North Korean Economy

Looking at the North Korean economy, economists have to become detectives because the government refuses to share basic statistics.

The Top Ten Worst Reasons For Not Having Women on Corporate Boards

Looking at a list of the ten worst reasons used to explain women’s absence from corporate boards, we can see why progress has been slow.