Why Superstar Salaries Are So High

Seeing that LeBron James has a four-year $154 million deal, we can ask what makes superstar salaries for athletes so high.

Solving McDonald’s Soggy French Fries Problem

McDonald’s current delivery problem with soggy French fries is somewhat similar to what it had to solve more than forty years ago.

Why Wall Street Might Care About Femtoseconds

Whether looking at the nineteenth century or now, Wall Street has always had fast traders who knew how to get the news before their competitors.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Cheesier Pizza to Blackout Babies

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup ranges from Saudi Starbucks and trading bananas to female film critics.

Why More Babies Were Born Nine Months After a Football (Soccer) Game

Because of events that range from football victories to electrical outages, birth rates can spike or fall nine months later.

The Missing Female Film Critics

The skewed race and gender of the film critics that review our top grossing movies might not express what a more diverse group would say.

How We Got Cheesier Pizza

On average, we are eating close to 35 pounds of cheese a year. (And some of us, like me, consume much more.) To see why, our story starts with Domino’s and ends with the federal budget. A Cheesier Pizza Knowing…

How the EU and the U.S. Fought a Banana Trade War

With tariffs and quotas the weapons, the 1990s banana trade war between the European Union and the U.S. was a classic except for one key difference.

Gender Equity for Saudi Women at Starbucks and Beyond

While today is the first day that Saudi women can drive legally, they still experience gender inequity at Starbucks and beyond.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Moon Dust to Marshmallows

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup ranges from moon dust markets and new internet taxes to deciding if bitcoin is a security.