The Washing Machine Trade War

My LG washing machine was more expensive than it should have been. The reason takes us to washing machine dumping and tariffs. The Washing Machine Wars My Korean-made washing machine (and others like it) was the target of a complaint…

The Best Places to Grow Old

Looking at adequacy, sustainability, and integrity, we would see that the retirement income systems of 27 nations vary considerably.

Why We Like Trix and Chips

When General Mills switched to an all natural Trix, the response was not quite what they expected. One mom said, “My kids find the color of the new Trix cereal quite depressing.” Another Trix lover complained, “It’s basically a salad now.”…

The Best Places For Paying Business Taxes

Talking about U.S. business tax reform, a PWC/World Bank Report shows us that there is so much more to consider than the 35% top rate. The Best Business Tax Places The Report did a country-to-country comparison by creating a standardized…

All You Never Knew About Denmark’s Fat Tax

At the end of 2011, Denmark got a fat tax. Today, they still cannot decide if it worked. The Skinny on Denmark’s Fat Tax Denmark’s lawmakers thought they had a “win-win” through a tax on food with more than 2.3%…

Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Less Orange Juice to More Restaurants

Weekly Roundup                   Sunday 09.24.17 The countries with the best healthcare systems…                   Monday 09.25.17 Why restaurants are disappearing…          …

A Lesson From 1986

Yes. we all know that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 is the most recent example of comprehensive tax reform. And yes, it compressed 14 tax brackets into two (15%, 28%) with a third that has been called the phantom…

A Florida Orange Juice Squeeze

On one side of the Florida orange industry, we have shrinking orange juice demand while on the other, citrus greening and Irma have struck.

Where Have All of the Husbands (and Wives) Gone?

If you are an Elvis minister in Las Vegas, you have a problem. Nevada’s marriage rate is way down and so too is the wedding business. The bigger story though, is about shifting marriage markets. The Decline of Marriage As…

The Mystery of the Disappearing Restaurants

Used to be we would prepare dinner at home while eating out was occasional. No more. Now, especially for lunch and dinner, someone else prepares the food. The Mystery The Atlantic called it “The Great Convergence.” The difference between what…