Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Frappuccinos to Hot Dogs

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup includes why hot dogs are sandwiches and airplane taxes create fees.

How Many Peanuts Are in Real Peanut Butter?

Ruth Desmond was a 1960s housewife who regularly attended and then reported on FDA hearings in her newsletter. During one meeting she said to General Foods attorneys that peanut butter with less than 95% peanuts should be called “peanut spread”…

Why a Starbucks Christmas Tree Frappuccino Has a Brief Life

The Christmas Tree Frappuccino had a short life. It was here Thursday and gone Monday. But Starbucks had a good reason. Frappuccino History The Christmas Tree Frappuccino was the latest in a limited edition frappuccino line-up. Starbucks tells us that…

The Economic Yardstick That (We Don’t Know) We Need

Please think GDP for a moment. Reported and revised during each quarter, GDP numbers create a reaction. If the growth rate is high, lawmakers assume their policies are working. When the numbers are lower, people wonder how to boost them.…

Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Fewer Christmas Trees to More Avocados

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup includes fast tunnels, expensive traffic tolls, and cheaper avocados.

Elon Musk’s Tunnel Vision

It appears that Elon Musk’s year-old Boring Company has tunnel vision. The firm has proposed a high-tech tunnel between NYC and Washington D.C. that got a verbal okay from the White House: Where are we going? To new tunnels and…

Why HOT Lanes are a Hot Topic

In the high-occupancy toll lanes outside of Washington D.C., you could pay close to $4.00 a mile. Just for a 9-mile stretch along Interstate 66, the toll has totaled $40.00. Should economists applaud? Controlling Congestion On December 5, 2017, commuters…

How Price Affects Avocado Eaters

There is considerable evidence that we have what Bloomberg calls an “avocado addiction.” In Brooklyn, you can eat at Avocaderia, the world’s first avocado bar (according to their website). The Food Network has a recipe for avocado pie. And Square…

The Travels of a Cashew

We seem to be going nuts for cashews. You can see below that the U.S. and India are eating the most. We like our nuts as a snack, in protein bars and as cashew milk. In India, a growing middle…

Why We Have a Christmas Tree Shortage

Christmas tree prices are up this year and supply is tight. The most likely causes are the Great Recession and the weather. A third possibility, though, is a bit less evident. This is the story: The Christmas Tree Supply Where?…