Pink It, Shrink It, and Gender Design Discrimination

For years, women have needed sweaters, jackets, even snuggies at work. The reason takes us to some solid science…for men. Our story starts with a 154 pound man in a business suit. Decades ago, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating…

How Southwest Helps Science

The low airfares and pleasant flying culture at Southwest Airlines have had an unexpected impact on the quality of scientific research.

(Mc)Wages Around the U.S.

Complementing the averages in U.S. jobs reports, we can see much more variety through the wage rates paid by thousands of McDonald’s around the country..

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Borrowing More to Polluting Less

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup ranges from world debt and national debt to a new Frappuccino recipe.

The Problem With Emissions Outsourcing

Usually associated with jobs, now the outsourcing that relates to carbon emissions embedded in globally traded goods will be limited by California.

Six Facts We Need To Know About the U.S. Federal Debt

Through just six facts about the U.S. debt, we can get a pretty good picture of what it is, who funds it, and where it might go.

What Does the World Owe?

With the U.S. an increasingly large contributor and an example of “debt creep,” world debt is dominated by five countries.

How To Preserve Our Nutella Supply

Hoping to expand the Nutella supply chain with new producers of hazelnuts in Canada and even New Jersey, Ferrero is supporting hybrid seed research.

A Labor Day Look at How Much We Work

Comparing the U.S. workweek with South Korea and five European nations reveals how much we do at night and during the weekend.

How a Behavioral Economist Explains a Frappuccino Problem

Since 1995, many of us have been consuming shamelessly decadent Frappuccinos. Just one Ultra Caramel Frappuccino with dark caramel coffee, layers of whipped cream (each topped with a dollop of caramel sauce), and white chocolate tops the 400 calorie threshold.…