Connecting Medicaid Expansion to the Divorce Rate

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid expansion and subsequent Supreme Court decision had a surprising impact the divorce rate.

How Transparency Transformed Food Shopping

When the development of cellophane let us have self-service shopping for meat and produce, it started a retailing revolution.

Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Costly Tariffs to Cheap Sneakers

Weekly News Roundup Sunday 07.23.17 Why this economic recovery is different…     Monday 07.24.17 The local cost of retaliatory tariffs…       Tuesday 07.25.17 How one female CEO leads to others…     Wednesday 07.26.17 The hidden cost of giving…

Why Cheap Was a Problem for Starbury Signature Sneakers

When Stephon Marbury priced his signature sneakers at $14.98, he had more of a problem selling them than he had expected,

Throwback Thursday: Remembering When Package Sizes Shrunk

When manufacturers began downsizing packages in the U.K., we got less chocolate in a bar, fewer teabags in a box and smaller Creme Eggs.

The Downside of Eating Less Steak

Giving up steak takes you to an environmental decision that involves how much cows devour and what you eat instead of beef.

Why There Are So Few Female CEOs

Asking why the number of female CEOs remains low, we can look at the gender balance in workforce pipelines to the top of different industries.

How Steel Tariffs Impact Whiskey and Whipped Cream

A Riddle: Q: Where do Pecorino Cheese, whiskey and whipped cream lose the same battle? A: In trade wars. Pecorino Cheese Our first story starts with bananas and ends with cheese. Because Great Britain, France and Spain wanted to favor…

Not Quite a Goldilocks Recovery

To decide the strength of our economic recovery since the Great Recession, we can use seven numbers or just one that might be most important.

Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Team Chemistry to Tomato Chemistry

Connecting economics, current events and history, our Weekly Economic News Roundup includes how old brands compete and the unresolvable minimum wage debate.