Why the Kilogram Had to Change

To become more accessible and accurate, a new kilogram has been developed that that is based on ideas rather than an object.

Where Clothing Size Inflation Is a Large Problem

Like the CPI measures purchasing power through the dollar’s inflation rate, we can observe waistline changes through clothing size inflation.

The Real Problem With Facebook’s Business Model

To understand the problem with Facebook’s ad revenue business model, we can just look at the role played by price as an incentive.

What an Air Quality Index Really Measures

While the Air Quality Index (AQI) is a pollution yardstick, it also can signal if we are controlling the tragedy of the commons.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Calorie Counts to Shopping Scores

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup ranges from shopping scores and calorie labels to global debt.

How Airports Are Like Apple

Looking at the ten most popular large U.S. airports, we see competition that is designed to attract airlines and travelers.

Why Our Shopping Score Matters

Unknown to most of us, the quality of customer service can depend on the multiple customer lifetime value (CLV) scores that we get from retailers.

Six Facts: What We Need To Know About World Debt

The six facts that summarize world debt identify the big borrowers, the risky borrowers, and the criteria for deciding how much to worry.

Do We Care About Calorie Labels?

With the arrival of mandatory calorie labels at large establishments and soon at smaller ones, we can ask if their impact is predictable.

Why the Republicans and Democrats Are Like Coke and Pepsi

The Democrats and Republicans have political power for the same kinds of reasons that Coke and Pepsi or Boeing and Airbus dominate their markets.