Charging the Wrong Cars

While electric vehicle subsidies create the incentives to buy more environmentally friendly vehicles, they might be targeting the wrong people.

The Unintended Consequences of Plastic Bag Bans

Although plastic bag bans do help the environment, they also create unintended consequences that might make them less desirable.

The Surprising “Green” Side of the SUV

Based on a recent study, calculating the amount of air pollution we can blame on SUV emissions has just become a bit trickier.

Will We Really Pay More to be Green?

Although many of us express a willingness to pay more for green products, a close look reveals that price can still have a big impact on our decision.

Where Meat Is Never a Free Lunch

Cow burps were supposed to be the problem. As a substantial source of methane, cattle (and other ruminants) naturally boosted the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). From there, the story suggests Meatless Mondays. By eating less meat, we can save…

Why It’s Tough to Plan Congestion Pricing

While it sounds simple to charge vehicles for driving in a certain area, New York’s actual congestion pricing plan is much more complex.

What You Might Not Know About Cardboard Boxes

Easy to ignore, the quantity of cardboard boxes that we demand has soared because of the incentives created by Amazon Prime.

How Norway Avoided Dutch Disease

Avoided by Norway, Dutch disease is contracted by nations that let a commodity windfall dominate what they produce and spend.

Why Kraft’s Mac & Cheese Has a Global Warming Problem

Ranking the global warming readiness of the largest consumer product companies, a climate change research group tells us where to be concerned.

The Less Obvious Way To Conserve Wildlife

Attempts to encourage African wildlife conservation have changed incentives that affect African villagers and U.S. hunters.