How Your Dog is an Economic Indicator

Looking at New York City real estate prices and the dogs that households own, we can see a correlation and a quirky economic indicator.

A Lot For a Latte?

We can get the most latte for our loot in Cairo. At the equivalent of $1.53, a Cairo tall latte is close to one-half the $3.45 price of one in the U.S. On the other hand, a tall latte in Zurich…

The Newest Battle in the Washing Machine Trade War

The U.S. tariffs that target South Korean washing machine imports have created new incentives on the supply and demand sides of the market.

The Economy Where Black is Banned

Like Turkmenistan and Zimbabwe, wherever property rights are unpredictable, we can assume that we have a command economy.

How to Make Kids Smarter (And Also Help the GDP)

While superstition tells us that babies born during the Year of the Dragon will have more success and power, economists look at human capital investment.

Why China Wants To Be Called a Market Economy

A year ago, China filed a formal complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO). Targeting the European Union and the United States, China’s goal was to have its economy called a market. The case is huge. Its results could transform…

The Travels of a Cashew

We seem to be going nuts for cashews. You can see below that the U.S. and India are eating the most. We like our nuts as a snack, in protein bars and as cashew milk. In India, a growing middle…

Why China is Eating More Cranberries

For China, becoming a middle income country is about more than per capita income. It is also about cranberries. Chinese Cranberry Consumption In 2013, most Chinese consumers had not heard of the cranberry and, until recently, they even had no word for…

The Messages That Satellite Images Send

By showing illuminated areas of the world, nighttime satellite images can tell economic stories that relate to growth and contraction.

A Big Banana Worry

We have huge banana worries because of a devastating fungal disease that has been wiping out banana crops in East Asia and beyond,