Why the U.S. China Trade War Is like An OPEC Meeting

The one similarity shared by the U.S. China Trade War, OPEC negotiations, and two burglars separated in jail is the Prisoners’ Dilemma.

The Big French Fry Crunch

Because of bad weather in parts of Canada and the major U.S. growing states, we could have a potato shortage that creates a French fry crunch.

The Fights That Migrating Fish Fuel

When global warming causes fish migration, the impact involves much more than species survival, nutrition, and ocean temperatures.

How to Develop a New Apple

Like iPhones and iPads, Cosmic Crisp apples were developed and tested and patented by scientists during many years of research.

Why Our Movie Theaters Will Change

When the Justice Department terminates a rule from approximately 70 years ago, movie industry economics could change what we see at local theaters.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Owning Colors to Designing Pizza Boxes

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from shopping behavior and owning a color to new pizza boxes.

November 2019 Friday’s e-links: From Cautionary Tales to Elevators and the Backpass Rule

Friday’s e-links: Today I recommend a new podcast series from Tim Harford who connects disparate examples of mistakes in each episode.

The One Way That Apple and Pizza Hut Are Alike

Propelled by Apple and Pizza Hut, new pizza box design could bring us takeout pizza whose taste and temperature weather a journey.

What Presidents Added to Thanksgiving Economics

From George Washington to Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt to George H.W. Bush, U.S. presidents have influenced Thanksgiving economics.

The Mystery of the Cheap Turkey

Lower turkey prices just before Thanksgiving are an economic mystery because a spike in demand is supposed to make products more expensive.